Hale, M.E. Speight, K.L., Harsanyi, Z., Iwan, T., Slagle, N.S., Lacouture, P.G., Darke, A.: Efficacy of 12 Hourly Controlled Release Codeine (Codeine Contin) Compared with PRN Dosing of Acetaminophen Plus Codeine in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. Pain Res Manag 2(1):33-38, 1997.
Caldwell, J.R., Hale, M.E., Boyd, R.E., Hague, J.M., Iwan, T., Shi, M., Lacouture, P.G.: Treatment of osteoarthritis pain with controlled release oxycodone or fixed combination oxycodone plus acetaminophen added to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: A double blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo controlled trial. J. Rheumatol 26:862-69, 1999.
Hale, M, Fleischmann, R., Salzman, R., Wild, J., Iwan, T., Swanton, R., Kaiko, R.F., Lacouture, P.G.: Efficacy and Safety of Controlled-Release Versus Immediate-Release Oxycodone: Randomized, Double-Blind Evaluation in Patients with Chronic Back Pain. Clin J Pain, 15:179-183, 1999.
Roth, S., Fleischmann, R., Burch, F., Dietz, F., Iwan, T., Hou, Y., Lacouture, P.G.: Around-the-Clock Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain with Controlled-Release Opioid. Arch Int Med 160:853-60, 2000.
Curtis, G.B., Johnson, G. H, Clark, P., Taylor, R., Brown, J., O’Callaghan, R., Shi, M., Lacouture, P.G.: Relative potency of controlled-release oxycodone and controlled-release morphine in a postoperative pain model. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 55:425-429, 1999.
Holte, K., Werner, M., Lacouture, P.G., Kehlet, H.: Dexamethasone Prolongs Local Analgesia Following Subcutaneous Infiltration of Bupivacaine Microcapsules in Human Volunteers. Anesthesiology 96:1331-35, 2002.
Gammaitoni, A.R., Galer, B.S., Lacouture, P., Domingos, J., Schlagheck, T.: Effectiveness and Safety of New Oxycodone/Acetaminophen Formulations for the Treatment of Low Back Pain. Pain Medicine 4:21-30, 2003.
Galer, B.S., Gammaitoni, A.R., Schlagheck, T., Lacouture, P.G., Caruso, F., Ma, T.: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Comparison of the Analgesic Efficacy of Oxycodone 10 mg/Acetaminophen 325 mg vs. Sustained-Release Oxycodone 20 mg in Post Surgical Pain. J Clin Pharmacol. 43:296-304, 2003.
Kopacz, D.J., Lacouture, P.G., Wu, D., Nandy, P., Swanton, R.S.: Dose-Response and Effect of Dexamethasone on Bupivacaine Microcapsules for Intercostal Blockade (T9 to T11) in Healthy Volunteers. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 96:576-582, 2003.
Kopacz, D.J., Bernards, C.M., Allen, H.W., Nandy, P., Wu, D., Lacouture, P.G.: A model to evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variables of extended-release products using in vivo tissue microdialysis in humans: bupivacaine-loaded microcapsules. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 97:124-31, 2003.
Pedersen, J.L., Lilleso, J., Hammer, N.A., Werner, M.U., Holte, K., Lacouture, P.G., Kehlet, H.: Bupivacaine in microcapsules prolongs local analgesia after subcutaneous infiltration in man a dose finding study. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 99:912-18, 2004.
Stambaugh, J., Woodson, M., Lazar, J., Tonelli, F., Lacouture, P.G., Rosen, S.: Effect of H2 Antagonists and Proton Pump Inhibitors on Steady State Trough Values with Once-A-Day Controlled-Release Hydromorphone (Palladone XL) With 7-Days’ Treatment at Stable Doses. J Clin Pharmacol. 39:980, 1999.
Woodson, M., Stambaugh, J., Lacouture, P.G., Rosen, S., Reder, R.: Assessment of Once-A-Day Controlled Release Hydromorphone (Palladone XL) with 7-Days’ Treatment at Stable Doses. J Clin Pharmacol. 39: 980, 1999.
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